12 Nov Thanksgiving Jewelry
If you read our last blog, you know we discussed holiday jewelry. You may be thinking, “What about Thanksgiving”. It wasn’t an oversight. Thanksgiving’s roots reside in more Puritanical times, where any kind of adornment would probably lead to reprimand for being too gaudy or ostentatious. Times have indeed changed and there’s no social construct that would forbid you from wearing any kind of Thanksgiving jewelry, but Thanksgiving is often thought of as a more casual gathering. Maybe this is because you’re surrounded by familiar faces, or it could be that you’re about to fill yourself to the brim with turkey and all the trimmings and you want to be as comfortable as possible; oftentimes just jeans and a nice shirt will suffice. However, even though Thanksgiving isn’t known for its dazzling display of fine jewelry, we’d like to encourage you to think outside the box and be that one fashion forward person that really “wows” when you’re handing that gravy boat to Uncle Steve. Happy holidays.