05 Nov Caring For Your Jewelry: Beauty Doesn’t Fade, But Your Jewelry Might
Many of us have heard all sorts of advertisements, reminders, or bits of advice telling us to wear SPF throughout the day, right? Protecting one’s sense of beauty is important, of course, and nobody wants it to fade due to overexposure to the sun over time. But what if we told you that your jewelry was also in need of some protection? After all, regardless of how cold (or not cold!) the state of Florida gets, it goes without saying that the sun will probably continue to beat down relentlessly, even in November. And sure, slathering your accessories in sunscreen may not have the same desired effect as it does on your skin, but step one in caring for your jewelry is to simply be aware of which pieces are prone to damage or fading in sunlight.
Store Your Stones
Many people love ornamenting their jewelry in accordance with their birthstones, and others simply wear such stones under the belief that their metaphysical properties will bestow them with some sort of luck throughout the day. Regardless of your reasons for wearing one stone or another, many actually are liable to fade if consistently left out in sunlight. Amethyst, citrine, and other forms of quartz, for example, are the most prone to fading. Other favorites, such as sapphires or topazes, may exhibit a similar response to harsh light. Therefore, while wearing certain pieces out and about regularly may not be enough to adversely affect your jewelry, we recommend you store these types of stones in an area that is both cool and shaded.
Own the Beauty of Your Opal
A favorite of those who desire opulence and iridescence, opal is known for showing a variety of colors on its silken face depending on how you angle it under certain light. But did you know that most solid opals actually contain 5 to 6 percent water? Therefore, if your opal is cleaned with water or left wet for whatever reason, they’ll remain safe. However, the flip side of this is that, if left in sunlight for too long, opals can actually become dried out and brittle. Thus, opals (which are already fragile) are subject to breakage if not properly stored out of the sunlight. And to break an opal would be a tragedy all its own!
Identify Your… Zircon?
Commonly mistaken for cubic zirconium, zircon is actually a lesser known, separate diamond simulant all its own. Zircon is naturally occurring and produces many colors, though often it may be heat treated in order to produce a blue or colorless appearance. That being said, zircon, for the most part, remains normal and stable in sunlight. However, pieces of zircon that have been heat treated may revert to their original color if left in sunlight or other heat for too long. With jewelry containing this stone, be sure to check the color and determine whether it might merit more protection from light than your other accessories.
At the end of the day, if you’re not sure how to best care for your jewelry, you’ll want to bring it in to a professional so that you can have all of your questions properly answered. And where better to go than Jacksonville’s #1 independent custom jeweler? Come visit us at Hemming Jewelers today!