10 May Guide to Diamond Cuts: Understand Your Diamond’s Style Before You Buy
There are few things in this world more beautiful than the shine of a diamond. For centuries, this natural wonder has been adorning only the most luxurious and noble of people. Today, diamond jewelry is still seen all over the world. Most engagement rings contain diamonds, perpetuating its reputation as a symbol of eternal love.
A diamond is a great way to show someone you care. But before running down to the jewelry store, you want to make sure you know what you’re looking for. When it comes to diamonds, there are four Cs to consider:
1. Clarity—This refers to the amount and type of flaws on a diamond.
2. Carat—This is a term used to specify weight of a diamond.
3. Color—This refers to the slight variation of color that can be seen in diamonds.
4. Cut—This term refers to the way a diamond was cut and the facets that it has.
Many diamond experts would agree that cut is of top concern out of the four Cs. Diamond cuts come in a few varieties, including:
- Brilliant cut diamonds. These diamonds contain many facets, or sides, that are triangular in shape. Both the number and shape of facets found on a brilliant cut diamond help make it sparkle beautifully in the light. Popular examples include the round cut and the princess cut.
- Step cut diamonds. These have fewer facets than brilliant cuts, and resemble a staircase due to their flat shape. Step cut diamonds are typically square or rectangular in shape. Popular types include the emerald cut and the baguette cut.
- Mixed cut diamonds. This cut combines elements of both brilliant and step cuts to create a fusion of the two.
Now that you know a little bit more about diamonds, it’s time to find the one that’s right for you! Here at Hemming Plaza Jewelers, we have an amazing selection of engagement rings and other diamond and silver fine jewelry. We can help you find the perfect diamond to show that special someone just how special they are.