29 Oct Jewelers Becoming More Sophisticated
As the world becomes smaller due to an evolving global marketplace, so too must jewelers, even on a local level, become more sophisticated. Whether supply or demand rises, the industry must remain flexible. As Patrice Nordey, CEO of a consultancy group said, “The jewelry industry must figure out how to recognize a person as a single customer across borders”. Now, more than ever, your marketing strategy in one country could affect your business in another country, especially with the growing middle class in China, Japan, and even as close as Canada. These new times will also see a new customer take shape, a savvier customer with different expectations and perceptions of elegance and style. Millennials are more pragmatic than their predecessors, so maybe they’re not the type to exhibit their jewelry the way their parents did, but certain situations, societal, professional, or otherwise, will dictate that a certain level of sophistication is called for, and maybe it’s that need to “look the part” at a social function that will call to them, specifically.