07 May May’s Emerald: A History of Health, Wealth, and Glamour
It’s hard to imagine any one single item simultaneously encapsulating everything from physical wellness to financial and divine prosperity — yet the emerald manages this and so much more.
The birthstone of May, the majestic and verdant emerald bears a long history of affluence and abundance. In fact, whether you’re looking for a stone of truth or the perfect gift of love to present your longtime partner with, emerald may present the ideal solution …
- Prosperity and Divinity
Long regarded as Cleopatra’s stone, most historical texts surrounding the emerald generally point its origins back to ancient Egypt, as not only was Cleopatra herself said to have favored the gem, but mines in upper Egypt have reportedly generated emeralds since as early as 2000 B.C. Additionally, the mines were later dubbed “Cleopatra’s Mines,” as she not only wore the gemstones often but was said to have shown her power and wealth by gifting the stones to foreign high-ranking leaders.
Emeralds were also said to have been worn as divine amulets by Mughal emperors, as well as served as an offering to the god Krishna by Hindu followers, who associated the stone with Mercury and used them in the traditional “nine-gem” Navaratna jewel settings. Westerners, by contrast, have often associated emeralds with the planet Venus and the sea due to Greek and Roman mythology.
- Enchantments and Ailments
A symbol of wealth and livelihood, some lore indicates that emeralds can aid one’s ability to portend the future, enhance memory recall, or even dispel lies and spells. For instance, emeralds are said to suppress lust, preserve chastity, and/or even reveal the true heart of a false lover.
Otherwise, emeralds are allegedly easy on the eye. And no, not just for the fact that they are aesthetically pleasing, but because they are said to provide relief to eyes that are frequently under strain, as well as promote good eyesight. Moreover, their metaphysical sway over one’s health is said to include the ability to prevent epileptic seizures, assist in the successful delivery of babies, cure dysentery (when placed in one’s mouth), and generally aid the functioning of one’s internal organs.
- Icons and Celebrations
Historically, many devotees of the emerald have found a variety of ways to adorn themselves with it. The baroque-era Crown of Andes, for example, is considered the largest collection of emeralds in the world, as it is encrusted with a total of 450 such gems. Additionally, the Chalk Emerald (worn by Maharani of Baroda), features a stunning 37.82 carats of Columbian emerald in total.
Today, emeralds may be found in all fashion of earrings, necklaces, and more. Moreover, they are regarded as the choice gemstone to gift to a spouse for a twentieth and/or thirty-fifth wedding anniversary.
So, are you ready to search for a preciously viridescent stone of your own? Then it’s time to call your #1 local independent jeweler: Hemming Jewelers! Not only do we offer all manner of new and consignment pieces for you to peruse, but we also offer engraving and custom design services, so you’re never without the perfectly personalized option for you or your loved one.
Contact us today by calling (904) 354-5959, or visit us at the corner of Monroe and Hogan!