02 Apr For A Mother’s Day She’ll Never Forget
Mother’s Day has been an official holiday here in the United States for over 100 years. It started with Anna Jarvis and her 500 carnations in 1908 and quickly grew to become the global celebration we know today. All over the world, mothers are recognized and celebrated in annual fetes and showered with gifts and adoration.
Here in the United States, the annual tradition generally involves taking mom out for dinner and presenting her with a card telling her just how exquisite she is in a way that is often more poetic than your own creative process would ever allow you to be. And while mom is sure to be appreciative of any celebration in her honor, only doing it once a year isn’t really celebrating her, it’s remembering her.
This year, do your mom a favor by presenting her with more than a token nod to her many years of love and patience. Find her something that is as timeless as her love and affection for you is. Hemming Plaza Jewelers is the place to discover that special something for the one-of-a-kind woman who has helped shape you into the person she is always so proudly telling everyone she runs into about. We have a vast palette of visually stunning pieces to choose from. Come in and find her something that will match perfectly with the smile she gets on her face every time she sees yours. Earrings, bracelets, necklaces or rings, whichever of these are her favorite things, we’ve got it here in the store.
There is just no excuse not to make the extra effort this year to get your mother something that will celebrate her all year long. You can still take her out for a nice dinner, and you can still get her a really sweet card, but if you get her a treasure from Hemming Plaza Jewelers this year, she’ll have something she can show off to all those people…and chances are because it came from you, she’ll have it for the rest of her life.