21 Jul Support Downtown Jacksonville!
Downtown Jacksonville has a lot to offer, and you help be an advocate to make it even better. Downtown Vision’s, The Alliance, is a 501c3 organization that supports improvements to make downtown Jacksonville sustainable and vibrant. You can help support their cause by becoming a member for as low as $20 per year. With this membership comes great benefits such as invitations to special events, email alerts to keep you up to date on what’s happening downtown, volunteer opportunities to beautify, promote and advocate for downtown, and even special offers from various local merchants, restaurants and cultural venues throughout the area. All you have to do is show your membership card!
Hemming Plaza Jewelers is happy to be participating in this program. We are offering 30% off your purchase with your Alliance membership. Click here to learn more on the Discover Downtown website. Get your membership and then stop by our store to receive this offer!