When you’re up to your ears in engagement ring research, you’ve likely stumbled across the term “the 4 C’s” more times than you can count. But that doesn’t necessarily mean you know what they are and how, specifically, they affect a diamond’s price. Thus, we’re here to...

Between cut, color, carat, and other considerations that coalesce into the in-depth experience of hunting for the perfect diamond, it’s easy to get lost in the small details. But whether you’re searching for an engagement ring, aiming to enhance your spouse’s wedding band, or simply indulging...

Teeth modifications are certainly nothing new.  And no, we’re not referring to Invisalign or even the traditional braces that most people endure in their earlier teenage years. Rather, we’re referring to grills (or grillz) — as well as what led up to their modern relevance. Over...

Regality is defined not by one’s status, but by their comportment. After all, with your head held high and your personage glittering in fine jewels, who wouldn’t be stunned by your dignity? If you’re seeking this sort of glamour and awe in your engagement, then allow...