07 Oct 3 Winter Jewelry Trends For Your 2020 Holiday Shopping List
When it comes to gift-giving, we all know that it’s the thought that counts.
The only question, then, is what thoughts you want to put into the gifts that you give. And while shopping for loved ones may not always be easy, there’s always one tactic to making sure you can always come out on top: Staying on top of the current trends.
Thus, if you’re starting to assemble your 2020 holiday shopping list, we recommend keeping the three following trends in mind:
This Gift’s Off The Chain
From Cuban chains to statement necklaces, earrings, and more, chunky chains are a hot-ticket accessory for closing out 2020 in style. And it’s no wonder that we’re seeing them across fashion spreads and aesthetic advice columns — these bold and beautiful pieces are perfect for layering with fresh new accessories or old beloved heirlooms.
For women, we recommend earrings that will, dangle, dazzle, and define their face shape. For men, you may find Cuban chains to be the masculine classic they can never turn down. In any case, we guarantee this gift will catch your loved one’s eye.
Turning Up The Charm (With Bracelets)
The beauty of a charm bracelet is its timelessness. Following every new life event or cherished memory, you can purchase an equally memorable bauble with which to ornament the bracelet in celebration. So why not begin now with a charm to commemorate your shared holiday season?
Additionally, sentimentality always elevates a gift, which is why we recommend you invest in a custom, artistically-crafted charm for the bracelet. Not only does this guarantee an exceptionally personalized touch, but it conveys a direct message of warmth and love to the recipient that they can always carry with them.
Looking Precious In Pearls
Going back to basics just about never fails. After all, what woman doesn’t have room for another precious string of pearls, particularly if their collection is already lacking in that department? And even if the woman in your life does already have a pearl necklace, pearl-drop earrings have become the Winter 2020 trend that enhances any little-black-dress occasion, making it an ideal seasonal gift.
No matter how big or small the pearl, the shine of a classic is all it takes to make the holiday that much more merry and bright.
And if you’re not sure where to begin when it comes to your holiday shopping strategy, all you need to do is visit Hemming Jewelers at the corner of Monroe and Hogan! As Jacksonville’s #1 independent custom jeweler, we specialize in carrying an assortment of new and consignment pieces that will stuff any stocking with joy.
Visit our online shop today or contact us by calling (904) 354-5959 to get started!